Centralian Middle School
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56 Milner Road
Alice Springs NT 0870
Subscribe: https://cms.nt.edu.au/subscribe

Email: Centralian.middle@education.nt.gov.au
Phone: 08 8955 2333

1 September 2017

Newsletter Articles

Important dates

Monday 4th September – “Say Cheese” School Photo Day
Tuesday 5th September, 5-7pm – Consultation on the Department of Education’s next strategic plan, held at CMS
Thursday 7th September, 7pm – Quiz Night Fundraiser for Year 9 Camp
Saturday the 23rd of September – Chalk and Talk Café # 2 Fundraiser for Year 9 Camp
Friday 8th September – Student free School Development Day (no school for students)
19th-20th September – Immunisations Year 7 & Year 8

From the Principal

Dear families

Inconceivably we are already mid-term 3! It has been a busy term with many significant events so far, including our Cross Country last Friday which was a positive and fun day for all participants. Congratulations to Fire for winning the day and to everyone who ran or walked the track. There are photos below in this newsletter. We have also just had Clontarf and Girls Academy camps returning and Clontarf taking a group of fellas to Katherine for their Northern Carnival next week.

On Monday we have our annual photo day. We have sent a lot of information home about this already – if you have missed this information and would still like photos, please call the school ASAP. Students must be in full school uniform. Photos will include the Year 9 group photo for the year.

Next Friday (8th September) we have a School Development Day, so there is no school for students. Staff will be engaging in professional learning focusing on understanding the Disability Standards for Education, the function of behaviour and a workshop focussing proactively on staff wellbeing. Thank you for making alternative arrangements for your student on this day.

Next Thursday (7th September) we have our Trivia Night, which is the social event on the Alice Springs calendar. There are still tables available but please ring the school to book your table. The night starts at 7pm.

Centralian Senior College have an information night soon to talk with families about how to prepare and support our Year 9s to transition there. It is running from 5.30-7.00 on Wednesday 20th September.

Thank you to everyone who has provided us with feedback through the School Survey. It closes at midnight tonight (Friday 1st September) so you can still provide feedback if you are quick. (If you really want to you can still provide feedback next week but you will need to pick up a paper copy of the survey from the office.) We will report on what you, students and staff had told us in our next newsletter.

Finally and on a side note, families can obtain birth certificates now for free from Births, Deaths and Marriages. Many of these have been lost by the time a young person reaches their teenage years, so this is a great opportunity to get a copy of this important document. Details are at the bottom of the newsletter.

Warm regards
Paul van Holsteyn

Cross Country

Congratulations FIRE!

Our Cross Country Carnival was held last week at the Telegraph Station. The afternoon was filled with excitement and a few nerves for those trying to beat their previous times. The Year 7’s students were first to hit the Bradshaw Track, followed by the Year 8’s and then the Year 9’s.

Congratulations to the Age Group Champions:

Year 7 Boys: Vita Fuamatu
Year 8 Boys: Patrick Findlay
Year 9 Boys: Sean Zhengxion
Year 7 Girls: Sarah Rankins
Year 8 Girls: Aaliyah Dhu
Year 9 Girls: Jarita Robertson

The house results were very close with Fire taking out first place, followed by WATER, AIR & EARTH.

A fantastic effort to all students that participated in the day whether that was walking, jogging or running. It was great to see so much enthusiasm and enjoyment from all the students and staff members. To finish off the day we held the CMS Tug of War – with the Year 9 teachers taking out the win!

Thank you to all the staff members for assisting and making the day run smoothly and thank you to the family and friends that came down and cheered on the students. It was a fun and enjoyable day, a great way to finish off the first half of Term 3.

Cross Country
Cross Country
Click images to enlarge

We need your input!

Each year we survey families, students and teachers to get feedback on how the school is going and where we need to focus our improvement efforts. The 2017 School Survey is now open and we are seeking your input. We rely on your input to focus our efforts to make Centralian Middle School the school that you want and expect it to be. The survey takes 15 minutes and is entirely anonymous.


Alternatively, paper versions of the survey are available in the Front Office. The survey will close TONIGHT, so please get your thoughts in!

Alice Can Dance

Rehearsals have started for Alice Can Dance!

Students will be busy preparing for the event that kicks off on 29th of September at Araluen, tickets will be available from the box office soon.

Alice Can Dance
Alice Can Dance
Click images to enlarge

Year 7 Update

Year 7 Camp

Year 7 Camp is happening at Glen Helen Homestead this year from the 13 of September to the 15 of September. Students will be undertaking team building exercises, and a nature walk exploring the natural environment of Ormiston Gorge. It will be an awesome time away.

Rewards Afternoon

This term Year 7 students have been leading the charge with a large number of completed merit cards. Thursday afternoon saw year 7 students at our rewards afternoon. Students receive merits for following our school values being respectful, responsible and fair. Keep up the good work year 7.

Just a reminder to all families that it is important that all students come to class with a pen, pencil, and a book. In year 7 we are seeing an increasing number of students coming to class unprepared. Can families please make sure their child comes to school with the correct equipment for learning.

Kind regards,
The Year 7 Team

Year 9 Update

We have had an action-packed term so far with year level excursions to the EcoFair and to the Skills, Careers and Employment Expo. We have also had inspiring visits from Emmanuel Jal and the Sydney Dance Company. Students are busy working on an election campaign to improve the school in their Humanities classes and we have also been focused on students transitioning to CSC.

This is all on top of the other events at CMS, not to mention the day-to-day learning that has been taking place in class!

Year 9 students have been doing their best in classes and are excited for some more special events in the coming weeks.

Please get on board for the upcoming Trivia Night, the student have been working hard at p;anning and promoting the event, all funds go towards Year 9 camp.

2018 Information Evening at Centralian Senior College

Wednesday 20 September 2017 from 5:30pm to 7:00pm

Making a successful transition from Year 9 to Year 10 in 2018 is a very important step in your child’s education. To assist parents support their child to make a successful transition, Year 9 parents and families are invited to our 2018 Information Evening. At the information evening you will be provided with information on enrolment procedures, courses, wellbeing strategies, the mentoring program and how you as a parent can support your child through the next three years. You will also have tour of our excellent facilities. A light meal will be provided.

To increase your understanding of the school, its people and services, please join us for an introduction to Parents As Career Transition Support at the Information Evening. PACTS is a program specifically designed to help provide parents, guardians, grandparents and carers with up-to-date information about educational pathways, that enables them to support their children effectively when they’re making career transition decisions within the secondary school system and beyond.

We look forward to seeing you at the College.

Trivia Night

Next Thursday September 7th we will be hosting a trivia night at school to help fundraise for year 9 camp and would like to invite you to join! The night will be held in the Girls Academy Rooms and there will be food and drink available to purchase. Kick-off is at 7pm and should be all wrapped up by 9:30pm. Don’t miss out - call our front office to secure your team a table!

Phone to secure a table: 8950 2500

Chalk and Talk Café

Next Café 23rd September

Ms Phillips would like to thank the following students for their contribution to the Chalk and Talk Café on Saturday:

Sean Xiao
Taylah Staniforth
Emily McGuiness
Zardeya Capewell-Komeni
Zoe Yodgee
Portia Strawbridge
Kaitlyn Craig

Warm regards,
Liam Quin
Year 9 Coordinator

News from Clontarf

News from Girls Academy

School Photos – Monday 4th September

Home Group teachers have distributed the MSP School Photography order forms to students. There are spare student envelopes & family photo order forms in the Front Office. Please enclose the correct money in the envelops as no change is given. Photography day is Monday 4th of September.


Woolworth Earn & Learn stickers

Centralian Middle School has signed up to participate in Woolies’ Earn and Learn promotion. Here is how it works: Spend $10 = 1 sticker. Get a Sticker Sheet from Woolworths. Last, drop the Sticker Sheets at the Front Office, Student access or Woolworths (the boxes next to the trolleys). Open until 31st September and we might be able to get some sweet prizes for the school!


We are now LIVE!

Head on over to ‘like’ it to keep in touch with school news, highlights and achievements of our wonderful students. We encourage people to like and share our posts.

Please read the terms of engagement before posting comments.


Some reminders

We need your support to ensure the school day runs smoothly:

  • All students have to be in full school uniform every day. This includes a CMS jumper. Students will be required to remove non-school jumpers. Students can wear a plain white or navy long sleave top under their school shirt
  • School starts at 8.30.
  • Students need to have books, pens and pencils to be prepared for learning. A stationery pack is available from Student Access.
  • Students are not to have mobile phones between 8.30 and 3.00. Students can drop them off at the office or keep them switched off on their person during the day. Please do not call or text your child during the day. If you need to urgently contact your child, please call the office.
  • Soft drinks and energy drinks are not appropriate drinks for at school. These will be removed from students.
  • Healthy drinks and food are available for purchase from the canteen on a daily basis.

Banned Drinking Register

Returns Sept 1 – No Fee for Birth Certificates and Evidence of Age Cards

The Territory Labor Government will waive the fees for two key forms of identification from today, to ensure all Territorians have ID for the Banned Drinker Register (BDR). Minister for Health Natasha Fyles said Birth Certificates and Evidence of Age cards will be free of charge for the next six months.

“We promised Territorians we would bring back the BDR to make our community safer and we are delivering,” Ms Fyles said. “From September 1, anyone wanting to purchase takeaway alcohol in the Territory will have to show an approved form of ID for scanning.”

To test the BDR equipment scanning is already in place across the six regional communities of Alice Springs, Tennant Creek, Katherine, Nhulunbuy, Groote Eylandt and Milikapiti.

Approved forms of photo ID include:

  • Australian and most international driver licences
  • Australian and most international passports
  • Evidence of Age Card
  • Australia Post Keypass Card
  • NT Ochre card

For further information on how to apply for ID:

For Birth Certificates contact the Department of Births Deaths and Marriages can be contacted on 8999 6119. For Driver's Licences or Evidence of Age cards contact the MVR 1300 654 628

Community Notice Board

Term 3 Debating 101

Alice Springs Public Library

2 August: Introduction to Debating
9 August: Preparing for a Debate
16 August: Debate 1 – “An Eating Club at the Library is necessary”
23 August: Debate 2 – “Homework should be banned”
30 August: Debate 3 – “Video games are too violent”
6 September: Reviewing Debates – What have we learned?
13 September: Debate 4 – “Cricket is the national sport of Australia”
20 September: Debate 5 – “Finishing high school should be compulsory”
27 September: End of Term Party and Games